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  • Anand Puri


Updated: Jan 28, 2022

It’s only fitting that the first blog post on Trincas’ new site is about the origins of Trincas. In an attempt to piece together the long and colourful history of Trincas, I have begun an outreach program called the Trincas Timeline Project.

With this, I am reaching out across the globe to people who once lived in Calcutta and have memories, pictures and anecdotes about Trincas. Within days of putting up a rough draft of Trincas’ new website, a nurse from Thun, Switzerland, reached out to me. She informed me of an upcoming visit to Kolkata, and of a patient of hers who’s aunt and uncle once owned a tea-room in Calcutta - by the name Trinca’s! Mr Cinzio and Mrs Lilly Trinca, a Swiss couple opened Trinca’s Tea Room and Confectionery in 1939 and ran it till 1959. I now wait with anticipation for the arrival of photos and stories…This is definitely a good beginning!


The Trincas Timeline Project is an exciting community-based memory project aimed at collecting stories, photos, and anecdotes going back 80 years.

It aims to cover not just Trincas’ storied history, but also provide glimpses of ‘the Park Street Scene’ and Calcutta/Kolkata as it has evolved over the last (almost!) century.

The project focuses on history, culture, music and food by connecting with patrons, musicians, celebrities and historians.

Anecdotes, photos and interviews are converted into short blog posts documenting the personal connections that so many Calcuttans past and present have with this iconic institution.

The goal is to collect a living history of sorts under one virtual roof and create a cultural treasure-house for present and future generations.

Since this is an effort to reconstruct the past all Calcutta residents, fans and diaspora (now spread across the globe) are welcome to contribute memories, photographs and facts. We would love to hear from you!


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Priyadarshini Dutta
Priyadarshini Dutta
Mar 07, 2022

Please , write something about the relationship between Trinkas and Satyajit Ray , Uttam Kumar , Suchitra Sen , Amitabh Bachchan .

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